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We are from all walks of life and experiece and we all are able to contribute to what we do.
We don't care what colour your skin is, we don't care what your religion or beliefs are, we don't  care what your sexual orientation is!
We are all drawn to together to have fun, to be a social group and to make a positive difference on our world, locally, nationally and internationally.

Bag packing by volunteers

Rotaract is a vibrant and diverse part of the Rotary family for aged 18+ who want to give back to the community, volunteer and make a difference.

The purpose of Rotaract(Rotary Action) is to provide an opportunity for people to enhance the knowledge and skills that will assist them in personal development, to address the physical and social needs of their communities and to promote better relations between all people worldwide through a framework of friendship and service.

The goals of Rotaract are:

1.     To develop professional and leadership skills;

2.     To emphasise respect for the rights of others and to promote ethical standards and dignity;

3.     To provide opportunities to address the needs and concerns of the community and our world;

4.     To provide opportunities for working in co-operation with other Rotary and Rotaract clubs;

5.     To provide opportunities for international travel to Rotary and Rotaract projects.


Originally founded in the United States in 1968, Rotaract came to the UK and Ireland in the early 1970s. There are currently nearly 11,000 Rotaract teams across 180 countries worldwide. This is on top of the 1.3m members in over 31,000 clubs around the world. You will be welcome to visit anyone of them on your holidays!
The cost of being a member is just £12 per Rotary Year (1st July to 30th June) pro rata  at £1 per full calander month. 

More information about Rotaract and its place in the Rotary family can be found here

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